Monday, May 23, 2011


Now sitting at my computer, the end of day one, it wasn't so bad. High protein breakfast, Tuna salad for lunch, burrito bowl with no rice for dinner. And jesus did I drink a lot of water.

I took my measurements last night....biceps, thighs, waist and hips. The total number was 187. This is a data point I'll be tracking each week. As soon as my calipers come in the mail I'll get an estimate of my bodyfat percentage to track as well week to week.

I weight in at an embarrassing 293.5 pounds this morning. The good news is that isn't my high for the past 6 mo.

My goals with this regimen are three fold: In 3 months I want to be healthier than I've been since high school. In 6 months I want to be able to take my shirt off in public without giving myself a complex. 1 year from today I want to [goal redacted to protect the innocent]

Goal one involves a drop of 40 lbs, goal two means getting to sub 20% bodyfat. Goal three goes beyond both of those.

These may seem lofty, but I don't care, I'm going for it.

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