Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Watch the World

This month but particularly this week has been party to some of the biggest news events in recent history.

Democratic Nomination: Its a dead heat between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And no matter who wins the nomination it will be history. Who do I support? Im not really sure yet. Though early on I have to say Clinton gives me a bad vibe, and the former Presidents actions during the campaign have made me lose confidence. Additionally, I hear that one of my friends (the Deej) is/was working for the Obama campaign. He cares about this stuff a bit more than I do so I usually trust his opinion.

Castro steps down: Just yesterday or so Fidel stepped down as leader of Cuba. An interesting move. This will pretty much guarantee that the succession of his brother Raul is set in stone before he dies and the US government nor the South American alliance (Bolivia, Nicaragua etc.) will move in during the confusion.

Toshiba is FAIL: Toshiba backs out of Hi Def DVD Format War to leave Sony Blu-Ray as the going forward standard. Remember the betamax/VHS war? Toshiba lost that one to Sony as well. MechEs from 2k7 will remember the paper we read on that "war." Well I'm sure another one will be written about this one. I am particularly glad That this format war is over before I ever had a chance to purchase an HD player. Saves me a lot of hassle when I actually have spendable money.

Musharraf's defeat: Acting President of Pakistan's political party loses the majority of parliament seats, meaning that even after Bhutto's Assassination, democracy still has a chance in Pakistan.

Writers Strike: last week saw the end of the Writers Guild Strike. Finally something new may be on television.....in about 3 months (///.-)

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