Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On dreams, and their defference

I am currently busying myself in preperation for what could possibly be the most important interview of my life, for a job with the company I have quite literally always wanted to work for since I entered Engineering School, Lockheed Martin. I will be flying down to the corporate HQ recruiting center in the ATL tomorrow at quarter to 7 in the gorram morning but I am hoping it will be worth it.

I am trying not to build up my hopes on this one, but its really hard not to.

At the very least I'll get a tour of wherever Im going and that will fill my cool tank for a while.

Additionally the process of potentially getting me transfered away from here and to another internal group has begun, possibly a bit too late unfortunately, but Its a backup plan.

for those of you not in the know (programming note, probably all of you) the contract I am working under will expire this june, and as of yet there has been no renewal or new contract. Do the maths and you'll see I need to find another job.

insert shameless twitter plug here, its the best way to find out whats going on in my boring life (

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